Straight Razor Honing Service

Recently, I decided to offer a honing service on the bay at a reasonable price to help those who want to get jump into straight razor shaving. The price for most razors is $15 and includes return shipping.  If your interested you can check out my listing or contact me directly here Please give 24 hours for…

New Video: A Known Stropping Trick

Hey Guys, Recently I have been seeing a lot of posts regarding razors not quite being “shave-ready” from reputable honers. I felt the same way when I started. Some time later I realized that “I” was the actually problem. Besides a lack of experience with shaving technique I was improperly stropping my razors thus creating…

Straight Razor Safety

Straight razors may indeed provide the most comfortable shave known to man.  Unfortunately there is one area often overlooked…..Safety!!! Here is one of my posts on the popular wet shaving forum “The Shave Den” regarding how important it is to be safe while shaving with a straight razor: Rule #1: If your in a rush…